
Widening the Safety Net

30th May 2023

These are extremely difficult times for many people and it seems that all food charities are experiencing a huge rise in need. For us, despite shortages in our warehouse, the increasing hunger in and around our area makes collaboration with similar food charities even more important. We were pleased to be able to help out Leeds-based Homeless Street Angels with some food items and sundries last week. They are an award-winning charity who do brilliant work feeding the homeless and also providing support to those they’ve helped get rehoused.

So why do we continue to help other charities when we are experiencing shortages ourselves? Because working with other food charities and groups who overlap our district helps widen the safety net for our clients – and for all of us. Cooperation and collaboration help make sure that food reaches those who need it. We currently can’t help other food charities as much as we used to, or as often as we’d like, but it remains an important part of our foodbank ethos and reflects our key aims which are:

1. To provide food to local people in crisis.
2. To work alongside other foodbanks, agents, charities and organisations to distribute any surplus food items and any essential items to where they are needed the most.
3. To avoid waste and honour our donors by ensuring all donations reach people experiencing harship and need.

We’re pretty sure that all the local food charities we work with will have supported clients of ours in the past or will do so in the future. And it’s good to know that support is there. We will continue to help these local food charities for as long as we are able.

That said, our warehouse shelves are considerably emptier than we would like. If you’re able to donate, please check our wish lists on social media or take a look at our food donation page here.  Maybe you could organise a collection at work, school or at a group or club you attend? Every donation helps and will support people across our community who are struggling.

Thank you.



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