2024 Tesco Winter Food Collection
30th October 2024
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You can support our community this winter by donating to Wetherby and District Foodbank at the Tesco Extra store at York’s Clifton Moor.
From Thursday 28th November to Saturday 30 November, customers at Tesco in Clifton Moor will be encouraged to pick up an extra item or two as part of their weekly shop to drop in special donation trollies on the way out of store. Foodbanks across the country are supporting record levels of people facing hunger and hardship and donations during this year’s Tesco Winter Food Collection are vital in enabling us to support people who are struggling throughout the Christmas period and beyond.
Foodbanks are a last resort for people who’ve been left isolated, facing hunger, and without enough money to live on. But with so many people unable to afford the essentials right now, foodbank staff and volunteers are working harder than ever to ensure people get the support they need.
Last year, more than 3.1 million emergency food parcels were distributed by foodbanks in Trussell’s community. That’s a 94% increase over the past five years. Anyone who makes a donation at the Tesco Winter Collection, will be helping ensure that we can continue to provide warm, compassionate, practical support and advice this winter.
Customers being asked to donate essential items of long-life food such as tinned vegetables, tinned meats, tinned fish as well as hygiene and household cleaning products.
Our foodbank coordinator, Jenny Firth commented:
“No one in our district should be facing hunger and we want to see an end to local people needing emergency food at all. While we work alongside other food banks in the Trussell community to bring about long-term change to ensure everyone has enough money for the essentials, any donations of our most-needed items will be invaluable. Thanks to Tesco and the generosity of its customers, we hope to continue to offer vital support to families and children over the coming months, which we know will be particularly tough for many people across our district.”
Trussell, which supports more than 1,400 food banks across the UK, including Wetherby and District Foodbank, says that last year 665,000 people accessed a food bank in the Trussell community for the first time. The heart of our work is creating space to offer a cup of tea and a chat alongside providing practical support. As the need for support increases, finding the physical space and time to do this is becoming harder and harder.
Emma Revie, Chief Executive of the Trussell Trust, said:
“Foodbanks are a last resort for people who’ve been left facing hunger and hardship. They’re a lifeline, offering a warm welcome and space to be heard. But with so many people unable to afford the essentials right now, foodbanks continue to provide record levels of emergency food. This cannot go on and we refuse to stand by while so many of us are pushed to the brink, left without enough money to live on. I know times are tough for everyone at the moment but, I encourage everyone who can to support their local foodbank as the donations generated through the Tesco Winter Collection will ensure they can continue helping everyone in your local community who is facing hunger and hardship. Thank you for your generosity – together we can end hunger for good.”
In addition to being able to donate much-needed items in store, customers will also have the opportunity to provide financial support to Trussell and its community of foodbanks by donating their Clubcard points, rounding up their shop at the till or making a donation online.
If you are able to spare a few hours to volunteer with us during the Winter Food Collection, please get in touch with Jenny Firth by emailing [email protected]
Having volunteers at the store entrance handing out lists of our foodbank’s most-needed items really helps boost donations and makes sure we get the items we need the most.
Yopur support is appreciated!